What is the concept of sheet metal processing?
Visit:1227 Date:2022-06-08
Sheet metal processing is a hub technology that sheet metal technology staff needs to grasp, and it is also an important process for the forming of sheet metal products. Sheet metal processing includes methods and process parameters including traditional cutting, tailoring, and cornering formation, and including various cold -stamped mold structures and process parameters, various equipment working principles and manipulation methods, as well as new stamping technology And new process. Part of the metal plate processing is called sheet metal processing.
Metal plate processing is called sheet metal processing. Specifically, for example, the use of plate materials to make chimneys, iron barrels, fuel tank fuel pots, ventilation pipes, elbow size heads, sky round places, funnel shapes, etc. The main processes are shear, bending buckle, bending molding, welding, riveting, etc., need There must be geometric knowledge. The sheet metal parts are parts of thin plate hardware, that is, parts that can be processed by stamping, bending, stretching and other means. A general definition is parts that remain unchanged during processing. Correspondingly, casting parts, forging parts, mechanical processing parts, etc.